Fire ‘N Ice ‘N Everything Nice

You would think that with the weather lately, I’d never consider playing a game called “FIRE ‘N ICE!” Am I right? HA HA! Some topical weather humour there for you!! Well, in all seriousness Fire ‘N Ice has long been one of my most wanted games. Recently I had the opportunity to get the Famicom version as part of a bundle, so I jumped on it. And so I finally had some version of Fire ‘N Ice in my possession.

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Golden Axe Warrior – I Think I’m A Clone Now

Nintendo vs. SEGA was probably are the classic examples when it comes to the “Console Wars,” across multiple generation of hardware. Like any generation’s console war exclusives are weighed against one another, trying to ascertain which platform was “better” based on frivolous and subjective criteria. I was in the Nintendo camp, and for quite a while I was fiercely proud that it was a Nintendo exclusive property. But there’s always a response to a success, Zelda included. While I’d argue that the likes of LandStalker and Crusader of Centy give a Zelda vibe while being wholly their own animals – and certainly enviable SEGA exclusives – I would say that Golden Axe Warrior is a blatant and obvious clone.

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The Legend of Zelda: No Sword? No Problem!

The Legend of Zelda is one of my favourite games – the first four entries are on the top. Each one has its own place in my heart, it’s own meaning and associated memories. They’re games I can play to this day and still get excited about every door, every key, every treasure, and every beast. These games are the spirit of adventure and discovery and exploration. My opinion of the Zelda series has had its highs and lows, but these are titles I can always come back to and have a good time. There isn’t much in the line of other media I get this excited talking about.

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