Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary Metallic Madness Madness MADNESS!!

It had never occurred to me to actively seek out Dragon Quest merchandise until a few years ago. Being quite late to the game, much of it was already relatively expensive. Of particular interest to me was the Metallic Monsters Gallery series. These were small metallic Dragon Quest creatures that essentially serve as paper weights or display pieces.

When I caught wind of the 25th Annversary series, I immediately jumped on a King Slime and, well, now I wish I picked up the standard slime and bubble slime as well. However I will remark that my first shopping experience with the online import store AmiAmi was completely satisfactory and this King Slime was a great trial run for my first time ordering from the store.


Bold and beautiful, the gold and red make me think of him as a festive bell...

The Metallic Monsters Gallery series have a fair bit of heft to them, as I said they remind me of paper weights. I’m not sure if this is their intended function, besides being gorgeous, but if you use them in this capacity you will have the best paper weights ever.

My! What a stunning package my good chap!
And the package from behind. Shame there is a bit of tag damage.

If you have ever purchased a Metallic Monster in the package before, they were probably packaged like this. The only other guy I have is a Liquid Metal Slime, and he also came in a small bag with a tag. But really, that’s all it needs and if you want to keep it sealed it is still eminently displayable in this state.

25th Anniversary Branding

Oh no! Don’t lynch me, I took him out of the parcel to fully enjoy his splendor. His underside is branded for the 25th Anniversary but is also padded so that f you place him on your most ornate mantle, he will not damage your delicate finery.

Ah ha ha. Observe my Kingly crown and tremble!

The crown s well sculpted. Now, with both the King Slime and Metal King Slime the crown is a different colour from the slime’s body. This is the case in the games as well. I don’t mind that the Gold King Slime is monochromatic because as far as I know, this is not a creature from the games (correct me if I’m wrong, please) and I knew it was mostly gold when I ordered it.

As for the size, the entrants in this series of merchandise are usually pretty small:

Gold King and Liquid Metal

The King Slime sculpt is not much bigger than the Bubble Slime sculpt.  They maintain a similar size category.

Cor blimey! This is the smallest and most golden King Slime I've ever seen!

So yeah, the Metallic Monsters Gallery aren’t really articulated or large but that’s not the point. This guy is beautiful and if I drilled him at someone’s head I’d probably give them a concussion. So they’re great display pieces and improvised projectiles.

But I mean, who am I kidding? Of course I rocked him in a wicked battle:

A new challenger approaches!
Kain Highwind spots his quarry in the distance. He prepares to battle his gilded foe on a giant tree. Because that's what you do in RPGs.
But the King Slime? The King Slime isn't having any of this. He is simply not shook. He prepares his Kafrizzle spell as the Dragoon prepares to Jump. Someone is going to "Hurtmore!"

So, there you have it! There aren’t too many opportunities for very many interesting pictures with this little guy because admittedly, I am afraid he’s going to get scratched. But he’s taking up a proud position and is instantly endearing.

A golden slime with some of the last fading goldish leaves of the season.

2 Replies to “Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary Metallic Madness Madness MADNESS!!”

  1. You know what I think of the DQ games individually and the series as a whole, but I can’t hate on the slimes. Or really, I should just say the enemies.

    Nice figures. I don’t like any of SE’s Play Arts figures. They’re just not well crafted, but considering they’re not PA/humans, they look great.

    1. Yeah, I know ha ha. I think I have some Play Arts depicted here, but Jessica and Yangus are the only two I have. Most of the joints are hidden on these two particular characters so they’re not too poseable but they do resemble DQVIII very closely so I had to have my two fave characters!

      The Metallic Monsters Gallery is terrific looking, but I think this King Slime is as big as they get. Some of the old editions are prohibitively expensive now – to the point where it’s not worth it for me to pursue them given their size and scarcity on the market. But I _had_ to have something for the 25th anniversary!

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