Series Overview: Wizards & Warriors

Is there any more archetypical a set-up than a knight, a wizard, a princess, and a whole mess of foul beasties? It provides an instant hook – the princess has been captured (oh, will wonders never cease?) and you (both brave AND chivalrous) must rescue fair damsel (for kissy time and perhaps more).

Such a set-up is at once galvanizing and polarizing to a potential user base. It’s the kind of setting that – even back then – we had seen so many times that some craved new set-ups. But at the same time, it’s a familiar theme and one that promises any number of ferocious creatures to test your mettle.

Ultimately, the set-up provides a hook for the player, and then he or she uses it as rationale for getting to the end. With games like this, all we really needed was this hook to get started, there was no need for a long-winded tutorial. But when you lay anything bare it needs to be good to continue through it. To see it to the end. The game needs to play well, because in the end that’s what the player truly remembers.

Wizards & Warriors, as a series, succeeds and fails in this regard. It’s just so disparate. Every title is vastly different from the prior. They range from difficult to tedious, from great to… not so great. But it’s a series that I have seen through to the end due to my personal attachment to it. I loved certain entries so I had to complete certain other entries.
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3D Dot Game Heroes – Is Everything Old New Again?

The act of making a game that is “retro” by design, or that closely resembles its earliest predecessors is no new phenomenon. Perhaps the biggest poster child for this trend is Mega Man 9. Games that are designed to pull at nostalgic heart strings, they try to be fresh by channeling what was once tired. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn’t. Another side of this coin is the rerelease or the collection. In my last blog post I talked about Shadow of the Colossus as I had picked up the ICO/Shadow of the Colossus Collection. A more drastic example would be the GameCube releases of Resident Evil and Twin Snakes. We could also call upon the sheer multitude of times Sonic the Hedgehog has been rereleased.

In all of these situations, the games rely largely on their respective legacy to create interest. Even titles that are retro by design are also designed to be evocative of a certain era or play style that will appeal to those of us who have been in the game for a long time. Nostalgia is a powerful motivator, but it is made better when these games are actually well done. Because truly enjoyable gameplay is timeless, and breaking the gaming generation boundaries doesn’t matter unless it’s done properly.

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Shadow of the Colossus – Embracing the Journey

Admittedly, I am a fairly retrogressive dork when it comes to entertainment media. I’ve gone plenty of years without picking up a current home console and I wasn’t particularly arsed to change the situation. But times change, and I found myself really wanting a Playstation 3 for a myriad of reasons. The straw that would have broken the proverbial back if I hadn’t picked one up now would have certainly been The Last Guardian’s eventual (hopeful) release. It’s fitting then that that this would be the disc to first enter my new console…

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Acquire Magicite of Incredible Figurine – Wield the Power of Espera!

When I first heard that Fangamer would be releasing merchandise based on Final Fantasy 6 my interest was definitely piqued. This has retained a place amongst my favourite games since its SNES release and is one of the few games I can play again and enjoy it as if I were playing it for the first time all over again. I just get so enthusiastic about this game!

So when I then heard that the greatly talented Camille Young would be creating a figurine inspired by this game – I became very excited indeed. I’ve been anticipating this wonderful work of art for some time and now that I have the final product I am as thoroughly impressed as I knew I would be. This Espera figurine is probably my favourite released through the store thus far!

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Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary Metallic Madness Madness MADNESS!!

It had never occurred to me to actively seek out Dragon Quest merchandise until a few years ago. Being quite late to the game, much of it was already relatively expensive. Of particular interest to me was the Metallic Monsters Gallery series. These were small metallic Dragon Quest creatures that essentially serve as paper weights or display pieces.

When I caught wind of the 25th Annversary series, I immediately jumped on a King Slime and, well, now I wish I picked up the standard slime and bubble slime as well. However I will remark that my first shopping experience with the online import store AmiAmi was completely satisfactory and this King Slime was a great trial run for my first time ordering from the store.


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Coming Home to Hyrule – Returning to the Legend of Zelda

One faced the return to those nascent, primordial steps. Everything that was familiar was once again new and exciting. The original chill of adventure again shook bones. Enter nomadic trance in the dangerous lands of Hyrule once more. Take up the quest and renew the virtues of adventure.

Recently, I picked up both The Legend of Zelda and the Adventure of Link for the Famicom Disk System. Strangely, playing these games in this format made me feel more nostalgic than anytime I had played the NES versions on any of the myriad of platforms they are available on. This sort of article is kind of unusual for this site, because “nostalgic for Zelda” is a pretty typical subject. But this is a series that I have a very strong love/hate history with. Sometimes a guy just has to talk about the Legend of Zelda.

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The Wanderer Stopped By For a While – A Look at Vagrant Story

I’ve been with this sword for ages, it’s become my one trusted companion in this ghost city of wailing secrets. The only one on which I can rely. It’s grown along with me, an extension of my own savagery. It has clawed its way to the upper echelon of weaponry through the limbs and viscera of many beasts, humans, and uh… evils. It’s a shame I’ve given it such a childish and filthy name.

Vagrant Story. A dark, cinematic, and deeply engrossing action RPG. If there is one thing I remember about this game is that reviews and opinions have often been very divided. This is a game that garners much praise as well as derision. It’s a game with cascading levels of complexity that will either draw the player in or push the player away. This is the nature of most unique games.

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Welcome to Warp Zone – Travel the Worlds of Flavour in Style

A warp pipe is a portal that shunts a courageous plumber from one point to another, either aiding in the progression of his quest or by leading to subterranean bounties hidden just below the brick-laden ground. The most righteous amazingsmiths at Fangamer have taken this principle to heart with the recent release of the incredible Pipe Mug. This mug warps its contents from the mug into your mouth, revealing the hidden flavours and aromas within. That’s mad coin son, mad coin.

The Pipe Mug is in the same vein as the popular E-Mug, and just as much care is apparent in this product. A hefty, sturdy ceramic mug that oozes style and won’t spring a leak.

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Exploring ICO: Crawling Through The Gut of the Castle

You need to commend the ability to say so much with so few words. A minimalist canvas allows the audience to paint their own conclusions and inferences. The opposite is a canvas that is paint-by-numbers, the audience is fed the information they need to paint these conclusions. Both can be enjoyable, and it is a feat to make either end of the spectrum work well. I am going to laud minimalist storytelling but I do not discount the opposite. The simple truth is that they both need to be done well.

I play plenty of games that are all about instant gratification, and they are some of my favourites. I count certain titles with a very overt narrative as some of my favourites. However, sometimes you just want to just become engrossed in the narrative and let it bloom naturally. ICO quintessentializes this mindset.

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E.V.O.: Eden Found

I’ve postulated so much about acquiring E.V.O. – but it does beg questions concerning the gameplay. Why would this game leave such a lasting impact on me? Is it even worth remembering.

E.V.O. is legitimately flawed in some areas. It’s unbalanced, and there’s not as much variety as there really should be. But it’s extremely creative and oozes style. It’s a visceral romp through the stream of time. Paddle your way through strange aeons.

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